Tagged: 6th street

4th of July

 I hope everyone had a fabulous and safe 4th of July! I’m sad to see one of my favorite holidays vanish till 2015 but it was definitely one for the record! I was able to see friends I hadn’t seen in years in Austin, Texas; we went out as a group, got a few drinks, laughed, danced and had an amazing time bonding like we once used too.

Who needs a boyfriend when you have amazing friends to celebrate such holidays?

Did I mention the fireworks? I was literally in awe as we walked through downtown and heard the *POPS* of the fireworks…it was definitely a cheesy and well deserved magical moment. I’m really bummed I wasn’t able to celebrate it with my best friend since it was our friendiversary but we always have next year.

How did you celebrate your 4th of July?
