Tagged: feminism

Feminism Lesbianism

For the longest time in life I never fully appreciated being a woman and owning it. Really owning it.
I’ve never even owned a vibrator before and I’m a 21 year old woman. Sure…this might have a lot to do with the way I was raised and my parents teaching me the whole “sex is bad, wait till marriage” speech every now and then but we live in a world where women are the new Clark Kents. We can and do just about everything a man can, most of the time even better.
We are taking over and if you don’t like that…please feel free to jump off a cliff.

Maybe it was shyness or fear that never led me to buy a vibrator before, but as I hit the begining of my 20’s or as I like to call them…20 Blues, I have nothing to showcase to the world as of yet. Then I realize how wrong my outtake on #girlpower/#vaginapower has been. Being a woman is showcase enough. We are a beautiful, yet complex creatures.
Men take us for granted and women talk shit about us.
We are no longer “lesser than men” and quite honestly…I don’t know why it took this long for everyone to realize.
Unfortunately, ignorance still invades minds; we are continuously tormented and expected to act some sort of way…”lady like” I suppose. My way of reasoning is, don’t expect us to act like ladies when you can’t act like gentlemen right? The world is still at battles with the actions we can and cannot take, or shouldn’t. Example, a man is allowed to cheat, as the woman is expected to forgive and forget…but the moment a woman does it, it’s over. The classic one, a man is allowed to sleep with countless women but the moment a woman dares to act on sleeping with two or three men she’s automatically labeled a whore.
Progression is progressing, right?

I’m going to have to thank the webs for this one but I don’t think it would of been as easy to find my comfort in being empowered to speak my mind – no matter how twisted or stupid of a thought I have-  and in being a feminist if it wasn’t for Alexi Wasser. Who is she? Probably one of the most insane and candid girls whose landed on the island of blogs. Plot twist…she’s insanely talented and not only my go-to blogger when I’m feeling like I need a shot of empowerment but she’s also an actress, producer, writer and has a radio show. If you haven’t checked her out yet, do so! Her blog is insanely funny, a little inappropriate at times but she speaks what you’re thinking at times and doesn’t put it on mute. Not to mention, her blogs name rocks. Check out IMBOYCRAZY if you’re feeling a little crazy yourself.


*I take no credit for the image of Alexi Wasser, blame Tumblr

p.s. I’ll update if I ever come around to owning a vibrator and sorry to my brothers for having to read this. I love you boys.

p.s.s. She also makes really funny videos. Here’s one.